The environmental protection cooperation center of the Ministry of environmental protection visited
In March 28, 2018, the senior official of the environmental protection department of the Ministry of environmental protection, Gao Lingyun, and the cleaning industry, Professor Li De Fu, and other four people came to our company for a special visit and investigation. The elimination of 141B solvent was made by the United Nations Program Development Agency, which asked our company to eliminate the use of 141B solvent before 2020. The workshop equipment and facilities related to the elimination project were instruct on the spot and put forward ardently hope for the next step of the project.
Background: in order to protect the ozone layer, China joined the Montreal protocol on ozone depleting substances in 1991. In 2016, the seventy-sixth meeting of the Montreal protocol's Multilateral Fund Executive Committee approved the second phase phase out plan of hydrogen chlorofluorocarbon in the cleaning industry (24 of them, including 14 medical equipment manufacturers including my company), which is estimated to be $44 million 800 thousand, which requires the Chinese government to reduce the consumption of HCFC by 20% in 2018, the reduction of 35% in 2020, the reduction of 70% in 2023, and the completion of the cleaning industry before January 1, 2026, H The elimination of CFC is the United Nations Development Programme.